9 Foods You Shouldn’t Eat After Having Your Wisdom Tooth Pulled

Foods You Should Avoid After Having a Wisdom Tooth Extracted Whenever I have a dental procedure done, I’m always wondering what I can and can’t eat afterward. There are always a million different and sometimes …

foods eat wisdom tooth

Foods You Should Avoid After Having a Wisdom Tooth Extracted

Whenever I have a dental procedure done, I’m always wondering what I can and can’t eat afterward. There are always a million different and sometimes conflicting answers to this question, so I decided to look up a few of the foods that you shouldn’t eat after having your wisdom tooth pulled.

So, what are nine foods you shouldn’t eat after having your wisdom tooth pulled? Raw vegetables, spicy foods, alcohol, carbonated beverages, citrus fruits, chips, nuts, sticky foods, and meats are best avoided after this type of dental procedure.

Your surgeon or dentist may have some additional foods they want you to avoid, but these are some of the most common. Each of these foods can cause a different problem for your extraction site, and some cause more than one.

The 9 Foods You Shouldn’t Eat After a Wisdom Tooth Removal Surgery

While you should always talk to your surgeon and follow their advice on what to eat after your procedure, there are a few foods that are generally good to avoid after you have a wisdom tooth removed.

1. Raw Vegetables

Even though raw vegetables make an excellent healthy snack under normal circumstances, they aren’t a good choice when you’ve had a wisdom tooth pulled. Raw vegetables are hard to chew and can irritate your extraction site, which can cause pain and even infection. Stick to softer cooked veggies for a week or so until your mouth has healed.

2. Spicy Foods

Another item to avoid after you get your wisdom teeth removed is spicy food because the spices can irritate your extraction site and cause pain. If you’re craving something spicy, wait a few days until your mouth has healed before indulging.

foods eat wisdom tooth

3. Alcohol

It’s best to avoid alcohol for at least 24 hours after having your wisdom teeth pulled. Alcohol can thin your blood and lead to more bleeding, which isn’t good for you or your mouth’s healing process. It can also cause pain in your extraction site.

4. Carbonated Beverages

Carbonation from sodas, energy drinks, and even seltzer water can cause serious pain after having a wisdom tooth extracted. The carbonation can also cause the blood clot at your extraction site to become dislodged, leading to more bleeding and a longer recovery time.

5. Citrus Fruits

Citrus fruits are loaded with Vitamin C, which boosts your immune system. However, after having a wisdom tooth pulled, you should avoid citrus fruits as they can delay healing and irritate your extraction site.

6. Chips, Popcorn, and Hard Crackers

Chips, popcorn, and hard crackers can break off and get stuck in the extraction site, which can lead to infection. Even if you avoid that, they’ll likely scrape the site, which is very painful. Stick to softer foods for a week or so until your mouth has healed.

7. Nuts

Nuts are a great source of protein, but they are also one of the worst things you can eat after having a wisdom tooth pulled since they can easily get stuck in the extraction site and cause infection. Plus, nuts require a lot of chewing, which won’t help your achy and tired jaw recover any faster.

foods eat wisdom tooth

8. Sticky Foods

Sticky foods like candy, gum and even dried fruit can be a problem after having a wisdom tooth pulled. They can stick to the extraction site and pull out the blood clot, which can lead to more bleeding and longer recovery time.

9. Meats

Tough meats should also be avoided after having a wisdom tooth pulled. They can irritate the extraction site and delay healing, and the effort you’ll need to put into chewing them will also be painful. Stick to softer proteins like chicken, fish, and tofu until your mouth has healed.

Eating the wrong foods after having your wisdom teeth pulled can cause serious pain and infection, which in turn cause you to heal more slowly as well. Be sure to avoid these nine foods to recover quickly and without complication.

How Long You Should Avoid Eating These Foods After Wisdom Tooth Extraction

Generally speaking, you should avoid eating these foods for at least 24 hours after your surgery, but a week is best. However, before you reintroduce them, you should always talk to your surgeon about when it will be safe for you to eat these foods again.

When in doubt, it’s always best to err on the side of caution and stick to softer foods that are easy to chew. If you experience any discomfort when eating a particular food, you should take that as a sign that you shouldn’t eat it yet. As difficult as it is to avoid certain foods at the moment, it’s important to give your mouth time to heal properly so you can get back to enjoying all the foods you love.

Foods You Can Eat After Getting Your Wisdom Teeth Removed

Now that you know what you can’t eat after getting your wisdom teeth removed, you may be wondering what you can eat. Here are a few suggestions for foods to eat that will be easy on your extraction sites and help you heal quickly. You should always follow the recommendations of your dentist or surgeon, however, even if they contradict this list.

1. Soup

Soup is an excellent food to eat after having your wisdom teeth pulled because it’s easy to chew and full of nutrients that will help you heal. Just be sure to avoid any chunks that might get caught in the extraction site.

2. Eggs

Scrambled eggs are another great option after getting your wisdom teeth removed since they’re soft and easy to eat. Plus, they’re packed with protein, which is essential for healing and will help you feel full while you’re on your limited diet.

3. Pudding

Pudding is a great choice for a sweet treat after having your wisdom teeth pulled since it’s soft, easy to eat, and won’t irritate your extraction sites. Plus, it’s usually served cold, which can feel soothing and help with swelling.

4. Jell-O

Jell-O is another perfect food to eat after you’ve had your wisdom teeth removed. It’s soft, comes in a variety of flavors, and is easy to eat without putting too much pressure on your mouth.

5. Ice Cream

Ice cream is a classic comfort food, and it’s also one of the best things you can eat after having your wisdom teeth removed. It’s cold, which can help reduce swelling, and the creamy texture is easy on your extraction sites. Just be sure to avoid any flavors with chunks or crunchy bits that might be difficult to chew or could get stuck in your extraction site.

6. Smoothies

Smoothies are a great option for getting the nutrients you need after having your wisdom teeth removed. They’re packed with vitamins and minerals, and the smooth texture is easy on your extraction sites. Plus, they come in a variety of delicious flavors. Some doctors recommend avoiding using straws for a few days after your extraction, however, so make sure you check with yours or just sip without a straw.

7. Applesauce

Applesauce is another soft and nutritious food that’s perfect for eating after having your wisdom teeth removed. It’s packed with vitamins and minerals, and the smooth texture is easy on your extraction sites.

8. Mashed Potatoes

If you’re craving something more hearty and savory for a post-wisdom tooth removal meal, mashed potatoes are perfect for this. They’re soft, creamy, and full of nutrients that will help you heal. Just be sure to avoid putting too much salt on them or eating them when they’re too hot, as this can cause pain in your extraction site.

foods eat wisdom tooth

9. Yogurt

Yogurt is a great source of protein and calcium, both of which are essential for healing after having your wisdom teeth removed. Plus, the smooth texture is easy on your extraction sites. Choose plain yogurt over flavored varieties to avoid any irritation.

These are just a few suggestions for foods to eat after having your wisdom teeth removed. Be sure to check with your doctor or dentist before eating anything to make sure it won’t irritate your extraction sites or cause any other complications, however, and follow their orders.

How long does it take to recover from a wisdom tooth extraction? Most people recover from wisdom tooth extractions within a few days to a week. However, it can take up to two weeks for the extraction sites to fully heal, and you will likely have to treat the site with a special mouthwash or toothpaste for a few weeks. As you recover, make sure you follow your doctor’s instructions on how to care for your extraction site and report any concerns you have so that you don’t accidentally prolong your healing process.

What are some other things I can do to recover from a wisdom tooth extraction? In addition to eating the right foods, there are a few other things you can do to help you recover from a wisdom tooth extraction. These include taking pain medication as prescribed by your doctor, applying ice to your face to reduce swelling, brushing and flossing your teeth carefully to avoid irritating your extraction sites, and following your doctor’s instructions for cleaning the extraction sites.