Is Weed Legal In Oklahoma? – The Answer Might Surprise You!

Legalities Surrounding Weed in Oklahoma

Oklahoma is known for being a conservative state. However, there are some rules and regulations surrounding weed that may surprise you! As more states begin to change their stances and rules surrounding marijuana use, it is important to make sure you are properly informed.

So, is weed legal in Oklahoma? Yes! It is not legal to participate in the growth or use of recreational marijuana. However, you can legally grow weed in Oklahoma. The medical marijuana system was recently passed in this state, which makes it the 30th to legalize the medical use of cannabis products. This also means that there are now more states with legal weed than without!

In this blog post, we will discuss the many stipulations and regulations regarding legal weed use in the state of Oklahoma. Keep reading to learn everything you need to know!

Is weed legal in oklahoma

Using Weed Legally in Oklahoma

Oklahoma has recently legalized the use of medical marijuana for those who have a qualifying disease or condition. This includes conditions such as cancer, epilepsy, glaucoma, and PTSD among others.

This state does not currently allow any type of recreational weed use. Because of this, it is very important to make sure you are only using cannabis products if they will help treat your illness. With that being said, there are some ways that residents can contribute to the growing industry without breaking laws.

Residents can own their dispensary under certain circumstances, though many choose to work with third-party providers instead. Whether you want to invest in an existing company or start one yourself, knowing all of your options ahead of time can help prevent potential legal trouble.

Growing Weed Legally in Oklahoma

As we mentioned above, there are some rules and regulations that will affect how you can use weed if it is legal to do so in your state. However, the one thing that remains constant throughout each of these states is the allowance for residents to legally grow weed!

Residents who have been approved by their physician can own up to six mature plants at a time – nine immature plants total – without any type of penalty or fine. Keep reading to learn more about growing cannabis products on your property!

Is Medical Marijuana Legal in Oklahoma?

As mentioned above, medical marijuana was recently legalized in the state of Oklahoma. This means that residents who have qualifying illnesses can use cannabis products to help treat their symptoms without running into legal trouble!

However, this does not mean that you should automatically assume it is safe for you to use weed if your doctor prescribes it. Before jumping right in and trying anything over-the-counter medication or supplement, make sure you talk with them about all possible options first.

Your physician will be able to determine whether using weed legally would benefit your situation based on what they know about your illness and any other conditions or prescriptions already being taken by the patient.

Is Recreational Marijuana Legal in Oklahoma?

Currently, there is no allowance for recreational weed use in the state of Oklahoma. This means that you can’t purchase marijuana products unless they are specifically being used to treat a qualifying illness or disease.

How is Medical Marijuana Different From Recreational Marijuana?

Medical marijuana can be used by anyone who has been approved for medicinal use, however, recreational weed use is only legal in certain states. The primary difference between the two is that medicinal marijuana is used to treat an illness or disease while recreational weed products are not.

The biggest difference, however, comes in the form of THC content. Medical cannabis contains much higher levels than found in most recreational strains.

This may seem like a bad thing at first glance. However, it means that users who have been approved for medical use can receive more effective treatment without making their symptoms worse!

Is weed legal in oklahoma

Qualifying Illnesses for Medical Marijuana Use in Oklahoma

As mentioned above, residents who would like to legally use medical marijuana must have been diagnosed with one of the following conditions:

  • AIDS
  • Alzheimer’s
  • Cancer
  • Crohn’s Disease
  • Epilepsy
  • Glaucoma
  • Hepatitis C
  • Inflammatory Bowel Disease
  • Multiple Sclerosis
  • Parkinson’s
  • PTSD 
  • Rheumatoid Arthritis
  • Sickle Cell Anemia
  • Ulcerative Colitis
  • And more!


If you think you may have an illness or disease that qualifies you for use of medical marijuana in Oklahoma, talk to your doctor or schedule an appointment with a specialist today.

How to Get a Medical Marijuana Card in Oklahoma

Once you have determined that using medical marijuana is the best option for your condition, it is time to begin the process of obtaining a license. Keep reading to learn how residents can get their hands on this life-changing medicine!

To apply for an Oklahoma Medical Marijuana Card you must first make sure you meet all eligibility requirements. This includes being 18 years old or older and having been diagnosed with one of the qualifying illnesses mentioned above by a physician licensed in Oklahoma.

You also need to be able to provide proof of residency within the state itself – no exceptions will be made! If these conditions are met, follow the steps listed below:

  • Complete Section A through E from the application form you are given
  • Print out forms after they’ve been completed
  • Mail in section F and the $100 application fee
  • Once you have mailed in all of your information, it is time to wait for the approval.


It usually takes around 30-60 days to hear back from the state regarding your status as a medical marijuana patient but can take longer depending on how many other people are also applying at this same time.

Can You Legally Grow Weed in Oklahoma?

Yes – as long as there are no local or state regulations that would interfere with the growing process. Residents who are approved for use of medical marijuana can grow up to nine cannabis plants at a time – six mature and three immature.

Keep in mind, this is not an allowance for recreational weed growth! The only way you will be able to legally grow your cannabis products is if they are intended for use as part of your treatment plan under specific guidelines set by Oklahoma law (i.e., no more than six mature plants allowed).

Regulations Regarding Weed Use in Oklahoma

It may seem like there aren’t many rules surrounding how residents of the state can utilize legal weed. However, some very important things must be considered before making any decisions about becoming actively involved with or investing in the industry.

First, it is illegal to drive under the influence of any type of marijuana product or pharmaceuticals that are used in place of weed with similar effects. Keep this in mind if you’re thinking about using medical cannabis products before driving yourself home from a doctor’s appointment!

Additionally, anyone who has been convicted of possessing more than one ounce will be required to serve at least two years in prison – even for first-time offenders!

This means that residents should avoid having anything more than an ounce on their person while outside. Police officers can still arrest them and charge them with possession regardless of whether or not they have ever done so in the past.

Is weed legal in oklahoma

Legal Penalties for Growing Weed Illegally in Oklahoma

If you choose to ignore all laws surrounding marijuana consumption and growth within this state, you could face serious charges under very limited circumstances.

The penalties for growing weed illegally in the state of Oklahoma include up to ten years of jail time and fines between $20,000 – $100,000, depending on the number of plants you had.

Of course, if any children or minors were exposed to your grow operation then these penalties will be more severe. It is also important to remember that being caught with a small amount under two ounces can still lead to criminal charges!

Legal Penalties for Selling Weed Illegally in Oklahoma

Oklahoma has some strict laws surrounding selling marijuana products. Regardless of the quantity being sold, you will be facing serious charges if convicted.

The penalties for selling weed illegally in this state include up to five years of jail time and fines between $5000 – $20,000 depending on the number of plants grown or the amount involved.

States Where Weed Is Legal

There are currently thirty-three states across the US that have made it legal for individuals to use medical marijuana. Only nine states, however, allow recreational weed.

The states in which medical marijuana is legal include:

  • Arizona
  • Arkansas
  • Connecticut
  • Delaware
  • Florida
  • Georgia
  • Hawaii
  • Iowa
  • Idaho
  • Illinois
  • Maryland
  • Maine
  • Michigan
  • Minnesota
  • Montana
  • Nevada
  • New Hampshire
  • North Dakota
  • Ohio
  • Pennsylvania
  • Tennessee
  • Utah
  • West Virginia
  • Washington
  • Wisconsin
  • Wyoming


As we continue to evolve as a country, more states are changing their regulations surrounding marijuana use for both medical and recreational purposes.

In Conclusion

So is weed legal in Oklahoma? Some restrictions surround its use within the state. However, residents can legally grow cannabis products at home with a doctor’s approval. They must be careful to follow all regulations regarding growth and possession limits. It is still illegal to sell marijuana products without following certain rules. Make sure you do your research ahead of time before making any type of investment in the industry.

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Matt McWilliams