Can I Chew Gum After Having My Wisdom Tooth Pulled?

Chewing Gum After Having Your Wisdom Tooth Pulled Can you chew gum after having your wisdom tooth pulled? This is a question that many people ask after they have had their wisdom teeth removed. So, …

Chewing Gum After Having Your Wisdom Tooth Pulled

Can you chew gum after having your wisdom tooth pulled? This is a question that many people ask after they have had their wisdom teeth removed.

So, can I chew gum after having my wisdom tooth pulled? The answer to this question is yes, you can chew gum after having your wisdom tooth pulled. However, it is important to follow a few guidelines to make sure that you are taking care of your mouth and avoiding any potential problems.

In this blog post, we will discuss the benefits of chewing gum after having your wisdom tooth pulled and give you some tips on how to do it safely!

Safely Chewing Gum After Having Wisdom Teeth Pulled

When it comes to chewing gum after having your wisdom teeth pulled, there are a few things that you need to keep in mind.

Only Chew Sugar-Free Gum

First of all, make sure that you are using sugar-free gum. Chewing sugary gum can lead to tooth decay and other dental problems.

It is important to remember that your teeth are still healing after having them removed, so it would not be a good idea for you to be chewing gum with sugar in it.

Sugary gum can also cause an infection if left around the hole where your tooth was pulled out from!

Avoid Chewing Gum for 24 Hours

Secondly, avoid chewing gum for the first 24 hours after having your wisdom teeth removed. This is because your mouth will be swollen and sore and it is important to give it time to heal.

After 24 hours have passed, you can start chewing gum slowly and gradually increase the amount that you chew over time. Be careful not to push yourself too hard – if your jaw or mouth hurts, stop chewing!

Chewing Gum After Wisdom Tooth Removal

There are many benefits to chewing gum after having your wisdom teeth removed. One of them is that it can help with pain management by increasing blood flow to the area and reducing inflammation. This in turn reduces swelling and discomfort!

It also helps prevent dry sockets, a painful condition caused by exposed bone or empty tooth sockets due to not enough saliva production during recovery from oral surgery.

This happens when food debris gets stuck in these areas where there should only be tissue covering them (which protects against infection).

As mentioned above, this makes chewing difficult so using sugar-free gums will reduce the chances of developing one as well because they promote salivation without exposing any bones or empty tooth sockets.

Benefits of Chewing Gum After Wisdom Teeth Removal

So, why should you chew gum after wisdom teeth removal? Here are some benefits of doing so:

  • The gum will help to clean your teeth. It will also remove any food particles that may be leftover from the surgery.
  • The gum will stimulate saliva production, which will help to keep your mouth healthy and free from bacteria.
  • The gum can help to reduce swelling and pain in the jaw area.
  • Chewing gum can also improve your mood and make you feel happier!

As you can see, there are many reasons why chewing gum after having your wisdom tooth removed is a good idea! Just make sure that you follow the guidelines mentioned. This will prevent further damage to your mouth or teeth.

Risks of Chewing Gum After Wisdom Teeth Removal

If you are chewing gum after having your wisdom tooth removed, there are some risks associated with doing so.

You could experience pain or discomfort as a result of the surgery (this can be expected). If this happens for more than one day, contact your doctor immediately!

Also, don’t chew gum if you have any bleeding from the area where they pulled out your tooth because it may cause an infection to form in that part of the mouth. This will make things worse instead of better!

Lastly, be sure not to overdo it too much and keep things within reasonable limits. This means limiting yourself to just two pieces per hour at most times throughout each day until about six weeks after the surgery.

What to Avoid After Wisdom Tooth Removal

In addition to chewing gum, there are a few other things that you should avoid immediately after wisdom tooth removal.

  • Do not drink through a straw for the first 24 hours after surgery.
  • Don’t eat anything crunchy or chewy for the first week after surgery.
  • Do not drink anything hot or cold for the first week after surgery.
  • Don’t brush your teeth vigorously for the first few days after surgery. Instead, gently brush them with a soft toothbrush.
  • Do not smoke – smoking can slow down the healing process and increase your risk of infection.

Remember to follow these guidelines and you will be on your way to a quick and easy recovery!

Foods to Eat After Wisdom Tooth Removal

Once you are allowed to start eating again, it is important to stick to soft, easy-to-chew foods.

Some good options include:

  • Pudding
  • Jello
  • Ice cream
  • Smoothies
  • Soup
  • Mashed potatoes
  • Yogurt
  • Bananas

If you are experiencing any pain or discomfort, try to avoid eating anything too spicy, acidic, or hard. These foods can aggravate the surgical site and make things worse. Continue to drink plenty of fluids (at least eight glasses per day) to help speed up the healing process.

If you are having trouble finding food that is comfortable for you to eat, ask your dentist, oral surgeon, or another local professional for a list of recommended foods. Taking it easy in the days after surgery will help ensure that your mouth heals properly and quickly!

Is Wisdom Tooth Removal Painful?

Wisdom teeth are the final set of teeth to erupt into your mouth, usually between the ages of 18-24. In some people, there isn’t room in their mouths for these extra molars so they can cause pain and overcrowding which may require removal if other treatments aren’t effective.

The procedure itself is not painful because you will be given anesthesia during surgery (local or general depending on what type of wisdom tooth extraction).

The most common side effects from having this done include swelling at extractions sites as well as bruising around them that should subside within one week postop time frame for both procedures.

However, recovery times vary person by person due to individual factors such as age health status, etc. You’ll also want to avoid any hard foods or drinks for about 24 hours so as not to cause damage while healing from your surgery.

Alternatives to Wisdom Tooth Removal

If you are thinking about getting your wisdom teeth removed, there are a few alternatives to consider first.

One option is to wait and see if they cause any problems. Many people never have issues with their wisdom teeth so it may be best to just keep an eye on them and not do anything yet.

Another option is to try dental extraction before surgery. This can be done by your dentist who will use forceps or a dental drill to remove the tooth.

The last option is orthodontics – braces or Invisalign – which can help move the wisdom teeth into a better position in your mouth so they don’t cause pain or overcrowding.

Talk to your dentist about what options are available to you and make a decision that is best for your situation.

Should You Have Your Wisdom Teeth Removed?

So, is it important to have your wisdom teeth removed? It depends on the person. If they are not causing any problems, then you may want to consider leaving them alone.

However, if they are causing pain or overcrowding in your mouth and other treatments haven’t worked then wisdom tooth extraction might be necessary for some people at some point in their lives!

If you have questions about whether or not this is right for you talk with a dentist who can help determine what course of action would best suit your individual needs!

In Conclusion

In conclusion, you must follow all of the instructions given by your dentist or oral surgeon during the recovery time after wisdom tooth extraction whether it be chewing gum post-op only when directed or avoiding certain foods/drinks until healing has taken place before allowing yourself back in those habits again.

Related Questions

Can I eat solid food after getting my wisdom teeth pulled? You should avoid eating anything crunchy or chewy for the first week after surgery. You can start eating solid foods gradually after that.

How long does it take to recover from a wisdom tooth extraction? It varies from person to person, but most people heal within a week.

Is it painful to get your wisdom teeth pulled? The procedure itself is not painful because you will be given anesthesia during surgery (local or general depending on what type of wisdom tooth extraction).

However, recovery times vary person by person due to individual factors such as age health status, etc.

How long does the pain last after wisdom tooth surgery? The most common side effects from having this done include swelling at extractions sites as well as bruising around them that should subside within one week post-op time frame for both procedures.