Who Will go to Heaven According to the Bible?
There are not many people who enjoy discussing what will happen once they pass away. Although it is not a popular topic of conversation, many people simply tell themselves that after they die they will go to heaven. Unfortunately, this may be nothing more than a coping mechanism to avoid facing the harsh reality.
So, according to the Bible, does everyone go to Heaven after they die? Although every individual has the opportunity to go to heaven after they die, not everyone will spend eternity there. According to the Bible, heaven is a place where people who have put their trust in Jesus Christ will spend eternity with Him. If you choose to reject or deny your need for a Saviour, you will not receive the great gift of eternal life in heaven.
According to the Bible the gift of an eternity in heaven is the ultimate gift. This gift of salvation is available to anyone who accepts their need for a Savior, repents of their sins, and places their trust in God. In this post, we will discuss heaven in further detail, including who will go to heaven. We will also provide you with additional resources for learning more about what happens after death.
Is Heaven a Real Place?
Many people are skeptical as to whether heaven is a real, physical place or just a fairytale. Heaven is, in fact, a very real place. It is a peaceful place, full of the glory of God. In heaven, believers will spend an eternity worshipping their Saviour and delighting in His presence. You can find more information on the reality of heaven here.
Heaven is the place where God dwells. Although there are passages in the Bible that hint to what heaven will look like, it is safe to say that the reality of heaven will far surpass those worldly images. There are several facts that we can learn about heaven throughout the pages of the Bible. A few of those include the following:
- Heaven is God’s dwelling place. (Psalm 33:13)
- Heaven is where Christ currently dwells. (Acts 1:11)
- Heaven is known as the Father’s House. (John 14:2)
- Christians go to Heaven when they die. (Philippians 1:21-23)
- Heaven is paradise. (Luke 23:43)
God has graciously given us insight into the glory that awaits us upon passing from this life. However, because of the grandeur of heaven, we could not even begin to comprehend its reality.
This is one of the reasons why the information we are provided with is limited. Heaven awaits Christians who have accepted the Lord Jesus Christ. It is a very real place that will far surpass our greatest imaginations. And everyone has the opportunity to spend eternity there after death.
Heaven in the Bible
The best place to learn more about heaven and what happens after death is in the Holy Bible. Although there are many passages that speak to this topic, this list includes just a few to get you started on your research.
Luke 13:24
- John 7:33
- Revelation 20:15
- Psalm 69:28
- Exodus 32:33
- Revelation 14:10
- 2 Thessalonians 1:9
- Matthew 25:41, 46
- John 3:36
- John 6:40
- Galatians 1:8
- John 14:6
Who Gets to Go to Heaven?
Unfortunately, not everyone will go to heaven after they die. The God of the Bible is a gracious and loving God. However, He is also just. His justice means that He can not let any unrepented sin go unpunished.
In the Bible, we learn that God sent His only son, Jesus Christ, to take the punishment that was meant for us. Through this selfless sacrifice, we are given forgiveness. This provides us with the opportunity to spend eternity in heaven.
Everyone has the opportunity to accept this gracious gift! By repenting of your sins and admitting your need for a Saviour, you are given the gift of eternal life. Upon your earthly passing, you will go to Heaven and spend an eternity at the feet of Jesus.
Will I Go to Heaven If I Am Good?
As humans, we tend to see things as either good or bad. Many of us believe that we must simply do more “good deeds” than bad ones to earn an eternity in heaven. The Bible is very clear about the fact that our deeds, no matter how well-intentioned, will never be enough to earn our place in heaven.
God is perfect. Unfortunately, even the best of humans fall short of His perfection. At the core of our nature, we are all deceitfully wicked and sinful. This is exactly why we need a Saviour. God sent His son, Jesus, to take the punishment that we deserve. You see, even the “best” of us deserve an eternity in Hell, separated from God.
However, by accepting God’s gift of salvation, we will be granted the gift of eternal life. No matter how “good” or “bad” you have been in the past, God’s gift of salvation is available to you.
Do Babies Go to Heaven?
One of the primary arguments with the fact that not everyone will go to heaven is in regards to babies who pass away. Unfortunately, this is a very real issue. An incredibly sad reality, many children die each day. The Bible states that only those who accept Jesus as their personal savior. However, God is a merciful God.
Many scholars, pastors, and others believe (with Biblical basis) that when a baby or child passes away, they are granted entrance into heaven. Because they have not had the opportunity to sin on this earth, God shows them His mercy and extends the gift of an eternity in heaven.
Heaven vs. Hell
Heaven is a beautiful, glorious place. However, as we now know, not everyone will go to heaven. There has to be an alternative for individuals who deny the gift of salvation or refuse their need of a Saviour.
This alternative is hell. Hell, like heaven, is a very real place. While heaven is full of every good thing, hell is a place of torment. In hell, sinners receive the punishment they deserve for their sins. This punishment is an eternity separated from God.
Hell is characterized by some jarring descriptors. Some of these include the following:
- Everlasting fire
- Weeping
- Darkness
- Torment and anguish
- Eternal separation from God
Each individual has been given a choice as to where they will spend the afterlife. Will they choose to repent of their sins and acknowledge their need for a Saviour? If they do so, they will spend eternity in Heaven.
Will they choose to deny the gift of salvation and continue living for their own pleasure? Unfortunately, these individuals will not be granted entrance into heaven upon their passing. You can learn more about hell here.
Resources on Hell
There are many resources on hell that can be found in almost any format. One of the most popular resources for learning more about this topic is a book called 23 Minutes in Hell. In 23 Minutes in Hell, author Bill Wiese shares a life-changing experience that he had several years ago.
This experience ignited his passion for sharing the reality of Hell with unbelievers and believers alike. Bill Wiese uses his ministry, Soul Choice Ministries, as a platform for sharing his hell testimony as well as others that have been shared with him. By sharing his story which is backed up with Biblical facts, Bill Wiese hopes that he will open the eyes of unbelievers to their need for salvation and a desire of eternity in heaven.
In addition to many resources on hell available through Soul Choice Ministries, you can find countless information from authors spanning decades. This topic has been discussed and taught on for decades. Upon researching this topic further, you will quickly realize that every society and people have wondered what will happen to them after they die.
Learning More About Heaven
Although we are able to learn many things about heaven through studying the Holy Bible, there is still much we do not know. God has chosen to keep many of the details of this glorious eternity a secret until we experience them first-hand.
He has, however, granted us with a clear knowledge of what is required for entrance into heaven upon passing. You must believe in the Lord Jesus Christ, repent of your sins, and acknowledge your need for salvation. By living your life in a way that honors Him, you are sharing with the world the Good News of eternal life.
Eternity is a long time. Don’t you want to be sure that you will go to heaven after you pass away? You can learn more about salvation and a personal relationship with Jesus Christ here.
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