Does Insurance Cover Wisdom Teeth Removal

Wisdom teeth removal is one of the most common dental procedures performed in the United States. According to the American Dental Association, over 10 million wisdom teeth are extracted each year. So, does insurance cover wisdom teeth removal?

Typically, most insurance companies do not cover wisdom teeth removal, but some will depend on the insurance company and the insurance plan. The reasoning is that most dental insurance does not consider wisdom teeth to be essential for your oral health and thus making the procedure more elective than necessary. If your dental insurance does not cover it, other ways you can pay are the FSA, the HSA, and out-of-pocket.

Wisdom Teeth Removal

While wisdom teeth removal is typically a safe and relatively easy procedure, some potential risks and complications can occur. Here are some facts you should know about wisdom teeth removal:

1. Wisdom teeth removal is usually performed by an oral surgeon or a dentist.

2. The procedure is typically done under local anesthesia, though some patients may opt for general anesthesia.

3. Recovery from wisdom teeth removal can take a few days to a week. During this time, it’s important to eat soft foods and avoid using straws, as they can irritate the surgical site.

4. Some common side effects from wisdom teeth removal include pain, swelling, bruising, and bleeding.

5. In rare cases, more serious complications can occur, such as damage to the nerves or blood vessels in the mouth.

If you’re considering wisdom teeth removal, be sure to talk to your dentist or oral surgeon about the risks and benefits. They can help you decide if the procedure is right for you.


Who Pays For It?

When it comes to getting your wisdom teeth removed, there’s a lot to consider – not the least of which is how you’re going to pay for the procedure. Dental insurance typically doesn’t cover wisdom teeth removal, but that doesn’t mean you’re out of options. Here’s what you need to know about paying for wisdom teeth removal, with or without insurance.

If you have dental insurance, you’re probably used to the fact that it doesn’t cover everything. In most cases, dental insurance only covers preventive care, like cleanings and checkups. But even if your dental insurance doesn’t cover wisdom teeth removal, that doesn’t mean you’re out of options.

Does Insurance Cover Wisdom Teeth Removal

Ways to Pay:


There are a few ways to pay for wisdom teeth removal, even if your insurance doesn’t cover it. One option is to use a Flexible Spending Account (FSA). An FSA is a pre-tax account that can be used to pay for qualifying medical expenses. If you have an FSA, you can use it to pay for wisdom teeth removal.


Another option is to use a Health Savings Account (HSA). An HSA is similar to an FSA, but it can only be used to pay for qualifying medical expenses. If you have an HSA, you can use it to pay for wisdom teeth removal.


You can also pay for wisdom teeth removal out-of-pocket. This means you’ll need to pay for the entire cost of the procedure yourself. The cost of wisdom teeth removal can vary depending on several factors, but it typically ranges from $1,000 to $3,000.

Things to Consider

If you’re facing wisdom teeth removal, there are a few things you can do to make the process easier on your wallet.

Time of Year

One option is to get the procedure done during the off-peak season. In general, dental procedures are less expensive during the summer and winter months.


Another option is to get the procedure done by an in-network provider. In-network providers have agreed to accept a lower fee for their services. This can save you money on the cost of wisdom teeth removal.

Financing Options

Finally, you can ask your dentist about financing options. Many dentists offer financing plans that can help you pay for wisdom teeth removal over time.

Does Insurance Cover Wisdom Teeth Removal

Often Not Covered

There are a few reasons why dental insurance may not cover wisdom teeth removal.

First, wisdom teeth are not considered essential for good oral health, so they are often excluded from coverage. Additionally, wisdom teeth removal can be quite costly, so it may not be covered as a preventive measure.

Wisdom teeth removal can range in price from a few hundred dollars to a few thousand dollars, depending on the severity of the case. Having dental insurance that covers at least a portion of the cost can help to make the procedure more affordable.

If your wisdom teeth have not yet caused any problems or pain, your insurance company may deem their removal unnecessary and refuse to cover the cost.

Finally, some insurance plans consider wisdom teeth removal to be a cosmetic procedure, which is not typically covered. If you are considering having your wisdom teeth removed, it is important to check with your insurance provider to see if the procedure will be covered.

Another common insurance reason for not covering wisdom teeth removal is that the procedure is considered elective. This means that it is not medically necessary and, as such, is not covered by most insurance plans. Another similar reason is that

Wisdom teeth removal can be a costly procedure, so be sure to check with your insurance company beforehand to see if they will cover the cost.

What to Do

If your insurance does not cover wisdom teeth removal, there are still options available to you. Many dentists offer financing plans that can help make the procedure more affordable. Additionally, some state and federal assistance programs may cover the cost of wisdom teeth removal for those who qualify. Be sure to check with your dentist or local government offices to see if you may be eligible for assistance.

While there are some insurance reasons why your policy may not cover wisdom teeth removal, there are also many reasons why the procedure may be medically necessary. If your wisdom teeth are causing pain or crowding other teeth, they may need to be removed to alleviate these problems. Additionally, if your wisdom teeth are impacted, they may need to be removed to avoid further damage to your mouth. If you are considering wisdom teeth removal, be sure to talk to your Tulsa dentist or orthodontist about all of your options.

Wisdom Teeth Are a Priority

There are a few reasons why dental insurance should cover wisdom teeth removal. First, wisdom teeth can cause problems with the alignment of the other teeth, and they can also be difficult to clean properly, leading to an increased risk of cavities and gum disease. Additionally, wisdom teeth that become impacted (stuck in the jawbone) can be very painful and may require surgical removal.

Finally, having your wisdom teeth removed can help to prevent overcrowding of the teeth in the future. All of these reasons make it important to have dental insurance that covers wisdom teeth removal. Wisdom teeth removal is an important procedure that can help to improve your oral health. If you are considering having your wisdom teeth removed, be sure to talk to your Tulsa dentist about whether or not your dental insurance will cover the cost.

Steps to Take

1. Schedule an appointment with your dentist to discuss your options.

2. Review your insurance policy to see if it covers wisdom teeth removal.

3. Make sure you have the financial resources available to pay for the procedure if needed.

4. Talk to your dentist about payment options and be prepared to make arrangements before your procedure.

5. Ask about any possible discounts that may be available to help offset the cost of wisdom teeth removal.

6. Be prepared for some discomfort and swelling after the procedure, and follow your dentist’s instructions for care.

7. Schedule a follow-up appointment with your dentist to ensure that your wisdom teeth removal was successful.

8. Enjoy your newfound freedom from wisdom teeth pain!

Does Insurance Cover Wisdom Teeth Removal

Removal of Wisdom Teeth Planning

There are a few things you can do to prepare to pay for wisdom teeth removal, including:

1. Understanding Your Insurance Coverage

Before you have your procedure, check with your insurance provider to see what coverage is available for wisdom teeth removal. This will help you know what out-of-pocket costs you may be responsible for.

2. Finding a Dentist Who Accepts Your Insurance

Not all dentists accept all forms of insurance. So it’s important to find one that does before you have your procedure. This will help you avoid any unexpected costs.

3. Saving Up

If you don’t have dental insurance, or if your procedure is not covered by insurance, you’ll need to pay for the entire cost yourself. This can be expensive, so it’s important to start saving up early.

4. Considering Alternatives

There are a few alternatives to traditional wisdom teeth removal, such as dental implants or tooth-supported bridges. These options can be more expensive. However, they may be worth considering if you’re struggling to pay for traditional wisdom teeth removal.

5. Getting a Payment Plan

If you’re having trouble paying for your procedure, talk to your dentist about setting up a payment plan. This can help make the cost more manageable.


With a little preparation, you can be ready to pay for wisdom teeth removal without any surprises. Just be sure to understand your insurance coverage, find a dentist who accepts your insurance, and start saving early. And if you’re struggling to pay for the procedure, consider alternatives or get a payment plan.