What Are Teeth Made Of?

What Is In Teeth?

Teeth are the universal symbol of beauty and youth, but they are also one of the most complicated structures in the human body. Each tooth has multiple layers, roots, and a complex network of blood vessels. Even so, your teeth can probably last a lifetime if you take good care of them. In this article, we’ll explain what teeth are made of by analyzing their chemical composition. Since teeth have many different components with distinct properties, it’s not as simple as saying all teeth are 25% carbs or 51% minerals. Instead, we’ll discuss how each component works to build healthy teeth.

So, what are teeth made of? Teeth are mostly made of hydroxyapatite, the same mineral that bones are made of.

What Are Teeth Made Of?

Teeth: A Brief Anatomy Lesson

The teeth are hard, calcified structures embedded in the jawbone. Each tooth is composed of two main parts: the pulp and the hard tissues that make up the tooth’s exterior. The pulp is a soft, living tissue that contains blood vessels, nerves, and connective tissue. It houses the tooth’s root and is responsible for sensation, nutrition, and regeneration. The hard tissues that make up the tooth’s exterior are dentin, enamel, and cementum.

Dentin is the main structural component of teeth. It makes up more than half of the tooth’s volume and is mostly made of a mineral called hydroxyapatite. The mineral is what gives teeth their hardness. Enamel is a thin, highly mineralized layer on the outside of each tooth. It’s mostly made of a mineral called hydroxyapatite, like dentin, but it also contains small amounts of proteins like collagen. Cementum is a soft tissue that covers the roots of teeth and is mostly made of collagen.

How Are Teeth Made?

Teeth begin development in utero, when embryonic cells called “tooth primordia” form at the edges of the mouth. Around the 10th week of gestation, these cells begin to differentiate into the different tooth types that we see in adults—enamel, dentin, and pulp tissue. This process, called morphogenesis, continues after birth and leads to full tooth development by age 3-4. All teeth start as a bud of cells that grow in the mouth. This bud contains all the cells needed to form a tooth and they differentiate as they grow, forming the different tooth layers. Fully formed teeth are covered in a layer of protective enamel that is formed from ameloblast cells. These cells are triggered to form enamel after tooth bud cells come into contact with saliva.

What Are Teeth Made Of?

Types of Teeth

1. Incisors

These are the sharp teeth found at the front of the mouth and are used for cutting food. There are eight incisors.

2. Canines

Also known as the cuspids, these are the teeth that are similar to the incisors but longer and sharper. There are eight canines as well.

3. Premolars

Also called bicuspids, these teeth are located between the canines and molars, and are used for crushing and grinding food. There are eight premolars as well. – Molars: These are the teeth at the back of the mouth and are mainly used for chewing food. There are eight molars.

4. Wisdom Teeth (Molars)

These are the third molars that are located in the back of the mouth. However, they often don’t erupt properly, which can lead to problems such as gingivitis, tooth decay, and periodontal disease.

What Is Pulp In Teeth?

Pulp is a type of tissue that is found in the teeth. Pulp is the soft tissue that remains after the hard outer part of a tooth has been removed, such as when a root canal or crown is placed. It consists of nerves, cells, blood vessels and other tissues that can provide support to a tooth and help the tooth function properly. Pulp also helps in the transfer of nutrients and minerals from saliva into the bloodstream. In dentistry, pulp refers to the soft tissues that surround each tooth. These tissues contain blood vessels, nerves and other tissues that provide support and help in the transfer of nutrients and minerals to the bloodstream.

Pulp contains water and certain nutrients which can help keep your teeth healthy. The inner portion of your teeth are surrounded by a layer of dental pulp, which is made up of connective tissue and blood vessels. This area is known as dental pulp because it contains pulp tissue. The pulp protects your teeth from decay and strengthens them. When there is damage to your teeth, this layer can become inflamed or swollen due to an infection or injury. The pulp in teeth can become inflamed if it becomes infected. Pulp is sometimes confused with pus, which is a different type of inflammatory response. Pus is yellowish and sticky, while pulp is white and soft. Pulp can be painful when it develops into an abscess (a large collection of pus). When this happens, it causes extreme pain behind the tooth and may even cause swelling in the neck.

Enamel: The Strongest Tooth Tissue

Enamel is the strongest tooth tissue and a significant part of the chemical composition of teeth. It is a highly mineralized and dense tissue that makes each tooth up to 90% mineral by volume. Enamel is mostly made of hydroxyapatite, a combination of calcium, phosphate (HPO), and hydroxide ions. Researchers discovered that enamel is 40% calcium and 60% phosphate by weight. Hydroxyapatite is the most important component of enamel because it gives teeth their hardness and prevents cavities—a special type of hydroxyapatite even forms in teeth with no restorative care. This mineral is highly insoluble and difficult to dissolve or demineralize. In fact, it’s the hardest mineral in the human body and one of the hardest materials in the world!

Dentin: The Sturdiest Tissue In Teeth

Dentin makes up the bulk of a tooth’s volume and is the sturdiest tissue in teeth. It is mostly made of hydroxyapatite, the same mineral in enamel, but dentin also contains small amounts of many other molecules. One of the most important molecules in dentin is collagen. Collagen makes up about 10% of a tooth’s volume and helps provide structure to teeth. Dentin is less mineralized than enamel because it has to give teeth some flexibility and elasticity.

It also has to withstand the forces of biting and chewing food, so its composition needs to be more complex. Hydroxyapatite is the main mineral in dentin, but it also contains calcium phosphate and carbonate ions, organic acids, and organic phosphates.

What Are Teeth Made Of?

Calcium phosphate: The Hardest Material In Teeth

Calcium phosphate is the hardest material in teeth and makes up about 20% of the tooth’s volume. It is the main mineral in the middle of dentin, called the “phosphatic layer”. This mineral makes up 80% of the phosphatic layer and is a complex compound made of calcium and phosphate ions. The composition of calcium phosphate makes it stable and resistant to change. It is less soluble than hydroxyapatite, but, unlike hydroxyapatite, it is not as hard. This compound is less resistant to demineralization than hydroxyapatite, but it is much less soluble than hydroxyapatite. If teeth become demineralized, it is easier for them to remineralizer with calcium phosphate than with hydroxyapatite.


Teeth are mostly made of hydroxyapatite, the same mineral that bones are made of. Calcium phosphate is the hardest mineral in teeth, but dentin also contains collagen and other molecules that make it sturdier. Enamel is mostly made of hydroxyapatite, but dentin also contains small amounts of organic acids and other molecules. Teeth are an intricate and beautiful example of biological engineering, and they are worth taking care of. If you’d like to learn more about teeth you can always ask your local dentist and they’ll be more than eager to tell you all you need to know about teeth.