What Types of Insurance Does a Church Need? Complete Guide

WHAT TYPES OF INSURANCE DO CHURCHES NEED? For most people a church is not just a building, it is a sacred place for meetings, prayer, and community. And oftentimes today, most churches live on a very tight budget. Sometimes just a single incident without insurance coverage can financially wipe out a lot of churches. So, … Read more

Can My Health Insurance Cover a Massage?

Can Insurance Cover a Massage? For many people, the use of massage therapy is to treat chronic injuries, pains or other problems in their body. The most common forms of this, is to treat health conditions such as insomnia, TMJ, anxiety, muscle tension, and nerve pain. And due to the fact that there is medical … Read more

Will Insurance Cover a Blown Head Gasket

Will Insurance Cover a Blown Head Gasket

Will Insurance Cover a Blown Head Gasket The unfortunate part about vehicles, is that at some point, something is going to go wrong. Whether it is a mechanical issue, electrical or body issue. If you have suffered a mechanical issue, like a blown head gasket, there are some issuance things you need to know. Specifically, … Read more