Average Cost of Seeing a Neurologist
Neurology isn’t a super common topic. We don’t casually bring up going to a neurologist’s office as though it were going to the eye doctor or chiropractor. Seeing an eye doctor or a primary care doctor is expected and required. The other should perhaps be more normalized, though. Going to a neurologist might seem like a big commitment, but there are many reasons why you may want to visit your local office. Most people wonder how much this type of care will cost.
So, how much does it cost to see a neurologist? The cost of a visit to your neurologist can range anywhere from $50-$500 this is based on several factors: your insurance, the clinic you go to, and the treatment you receive. The cost also depends upon insurance and co-pays.
Some neurologists might even offer lower costs to uninsured or underinsured individuals. If you already know of or have a neurologist, give them a call to ask if there are any financial assistance programs for patients facing financial troubles.

What is Neurology?
Neurology is a branch of medicine concerned with treating the nervous system, which means that a neurologist will treat problems or pain that have to do with your brain’s health. These problems may be associated with headaches or infections, the central nervous system, speech and language, the spinal cord, movement, and many other kinds of associated disorders.
Things To Consider Before Seeing a Neurologist
There are several things you should consider before you see a neurologist. Here are some topics you may wish to think through:
Medical Insurance
Your medical insurance will have a significant impact on your cost of seeing a neurologist. If you have active medical insurance, you must make sure your neurologist is included in the network provider for your insurance coverage.
You will need to check two things: if the clinic or office you accept your provider and that they are in the network for your plan in particular. Otherwise, you will not get coverage or co-pay for seeing the neurologist.
Various insurance plans with one provider will often have several accepted physician lists according to your plan. By ensuring that the neurologist you chose is included in your plan’s network of covered clinics, you will maximize the benefits and pay the least amount of co-pay.
Can i see a neurologist without insurance?
If you do not have insurance coverage or that coverage is very limited, you’ll want to understand the payment plans and options thoroughly. Be sure to call your neurologist’s clinic or center to ask about payment plans and financing arrangements.
It’s essential to have a good understanding of your financial plan moving forward. For those with limited or no insurance coverage, understanding payment plans and options is critical. Speak with the neurology center about payment options, including financing and payment arrangements, to understand your financial responsibilities.
What are the diagnostic costs at a neurologist?
Keep in mind that a neurologist will need to find the root cost to appropriately treat your symptoms, making a diagnostic test a requirement for neurology patients. Some diagnostic tests are more expensive than others, so you’ll want to discuss that with your doctor.
Treatment Methods
Like receiving a diagnostic test, the following treatment could be pricey. Depending upon what you need, treatment costs will often spike if surgery is required. If cost is a significant concern, you will want to discuss it with your neurology doctor to find the best solution for you and your needs.
Primary Care
No matter your symptoms, you should always consult with your primary care doctor before going to a specialist. If your symptoms need to be treated by a neurologist, the next step will be to do your research. It’s good to be aware, however, of the symptoms that neurologist most often treat.
As we mentioned, a neurologist is a doctor specializing in treating diseases and disorders of the brain and spinal cord, central nervous system, peripheral nerves that connect your organs with your brain and nervous system, and your muscles. Neurological disorders can be related to headaches, strokes, movement disorders, epilepsy, and much more. Continue reading to find out more information when you might need to book an appointment with a neurologist.
When Should You See a Neurologist?
There are several common symptoms that patients of a neurologist often experience. These symptoms may be signs that you should see a neurologist:
1. Headaches
2. Dizziness
3. Numbness
4. Chronic Pain
5. Weakness
6. Movement Problems
7. Seizures
8. Vision Problems
9. Memory Problems or Confusion
10. Sleep Problems
1. Headaches
Getting a headache is pretty standard for most people. Who hasn’t had a mild headache the morning after a night out or during allergy season? Often these headaches creep into our sinuses and stretch across our head, neck, and even our shoulders. Sometimes, a migraine plants itself into the base of our skull and refuses to budge. These headaches have many causes, from allergies to toothaches.
However, if your headaches or migraines continue to worsen, it could be a troubling sign. If you are experiencing vomiting, seizures, or a change in vision with your headache, it could be a clue that you need to see a neurologist. With these severe symptoms, you should go to your primary care doctor to determine the next steps.
2. Dizziness
There are various degrees of dizziness. When you stand up fast, you might feel dizzy. However, a neurologist will often treat symptoms of dizziness associated with vertigo or disequilibrium. Vertigo usually makes patients disoriented because everything else seems to be spinning in their vision. Disequilibrium is when patients have trouble keeping their balance. If you’re experiencing any of these, your primary care doctor can help you determine if your dizziness warrants a visit to a neurologist.
3. Numbness
Sometimes you may experience numbness from sitting too long or other minor reasons. But there are times when numbness or tingling may be unnaturally intense or random. If it comes on suddenly or is oddly localized to one side of the body, it might be time to see a neurologist. These symptoms can be signals of a stroke, in which case you need to seek immediate treatment. A stroke is a severe medical condition, so you will want to go to the emergency room as soon as possible.
4. Chronic Pain
Chronic pain is pain that you’ve been experiencing for months or even years after a car accident or traumatic event. Although chronic pain can stem from an illness or even an injury, if it’s lingering, then it may be something more severe at the root. If your primary care doctor cannot help you manage the pain, it could be time to find the right neurologist for you.
If you are experiencing other concerning symptoms, chronic pain like extreme nausea, etc., this could be another sign that you need to see a neurologist. Another way you may be able to treat chronic pain is by consulting with a South Tulsa Dispensary.
5. Weakness
You might feel weak after a long workout session or a strenuous day hiking in the mountains. This isn’t concerning, but rather your muscle’s natural reaction to being taxed more than usual. However, suppose you are experiencing muscle weakness or fatigue that impacts your normal daily activities. In that case, you should schedule an appointment with your primary care doctor, especially if you are experiencing rapid muscle decline in your arms and legs since this could be a sign of something much more severe.
6. Movement Problems
Difficulties with walking or unusual jerks or ticks may be signs of problems with your nervous system. A visit to your primary care doctor and then possibly the neurologist will be in order, significantly if these problems interrupt your daily life or your ability to function normally.
7. Seizures
Seizures can be almost unnoticeable or very severe. Symptoms of attacks can range from staring to loss of consciousness, jerking movements of the arms and legs, breathing problems, confusion, or loss of consciousness. While low blood sugar or withdrawals from addictive substances could cause some seizures, you should consult your provider for seizures that seem sudden or without any apparent cause. Your primary care doctor can help you determine how severe your seizure is and if you should see a neurologist.
8. Vision Problems
Vision issues could be caused by aging or genetics, but in some cases failing eyesight could be a cause for concern. If the problems are sudden and out of the blue, you will want to visit your primary care doctor or an eye doctor. They will be able to guide you on to the next steps, which may be a neurologist.
9. Memory Problems or Confusion
Any severe and sudden memory lapses or personality changes could be caused by issues in the brain, spine, and nerves. Symptoms could be caused by a learning disorder or something severe, like a disease. Either way, if this occurs to you or a family member or friend, you should immediately see your primary care physician, who will most likely refer you to a neurologist.
10. Sleep Problems
Sleeping problems are a broad topic of issues. Insomnia or sleep apnea could be the cause. However, if you are having severe sleep problems, you need to see your doctor. There could be a neurological cause for sleep deprivation. Narcolepsy and other disorders could be at the root, so it’s best to get it checked out immediately. If there is not a neurological cause for your sleep problems, you may benefit from Telebehavioral Health services.
A primary care doctor is a fantastic resource for determining if you should see a neurologist based on your symptoms. But if your symptoms continue in their severity and you are uncertain about your doctor’s care, you should go ahead and find a neurologist to consult.