Is There An Afterlife?

Heaven vs. Hell

Is There An Afterlife? While no one enjoys talking about what happens to us after death, we all have thought about it at one point or another. Whether you are a Christian, Buddist, Hindu, or Atheist, you have an idea of what you believe happens in the afterlife. However, one thing is for sure, no … Read more

Who Created Hell? A Guide to Understanding Hell

Who Created Hell?

Who Created Hell? A Guide to Understanding Hell Hell is a place we hear about often. Mentions of hell are made at church, in movies, books, and television shows. The word “hell” is used flippantly to describe bad situations and in everyday phrases. However, none of these things accurately portray the reality of hell as … Read more

Can My Health Insurance Cover a Massage?

Can Insurance Cover a Massage? For many people, the use of massage therapy is to treat chronic injuries, pains or other problems in their body. The most common forms of this, is to treat health conditions such as insomnia, TMJ, anxiety, muscle tension, and nerve pain. And due to the fact that there is medical … Read more

What Should Wedding Photographers Wear? 

Wedding Photography Etiquette

Are you an aspiring wedding photographer that is just breaking into the industry? Maybe you’ve been a professional photographer for several years but you are just now starting to capture weddings? There are several unique aspects of wedding photography that are important to understand before you head to your first big day. One of the … Read more

Trauma Counseling Approaches: Complete Guide

Trauma Counseling Approaches

If you or a loved one has dealt with trauma at any point in your life, you may be looking to find a trauma counselor. A trauma counselor is a professional who can assist you in working through events or relationships which have negatively impacted your life. Trauma counseling can be highly beneficial in restoring … Read more

Does Anxiety Counseling Work? What You Need to Know

Tulsa anxiety Counseling

Whether you had a really bad counseling experience in the past, or you just haven’t really known anyone who is able to testify to the results, you are probably asking yourself the question: Does anxiety counseling work?  Anxiety counseling can easily be something that is misunderstood and not utilized to its fullest potential and there … Read more

Do Wedding Photographers Go to the Rehearsal? 

Wedding Rehearsal Etiquette

A wedding rehearsal is often an event that is overlooked or planned at the very last minute. However, a well-planned wedding rehearsal will eliminate much of the stress and potential issues that may arise on the day of the wedding. In addition to this, it is a great opportunity to go through all of the … Read more

Will Insurance Cover a Blown Head Gasket

Will Insurance Cover a Blown Head Gasket

Will Insurance Cover a Blown Head Gasket The unfortunate part about vehicles, is that at some point, something is going to go wrong. Whether it is a mechanical issue, electrical or body issue. If you have suffered a mechanical issue, like a blown head gasket, there are some issuance things you need to know. Specifically, … Read more

Tips for Hiring a Wedding Photographer

Wedding Photography

There are many things to consider when hiring a wedding photographer. With so many other details to plan leading up to your wedding, it can be difficult to determine what is actually important. This leads to compromising on a crucial part of your wedding day. Today, we are sharing the top tips for hiring a … Read more

Telebehavioral Health: Complete Guide

Telebehavioral Health in Tulsa

With more and more people suffering from mental illnesses or substance abuse, behavioral health services are needed now more than ever. While using standard methods are important, utilizing technology to make it as accessible as possible is now crucial. With communities dealing with intense shortages of these kinds of resources, telebehavioral health will help speed … Read more